09 August 2007

Crocheted / De ganchillo

crochet top
It is finished. I feel it has taken me ages, much longer than I had foreseen. This is the first garment I have ever crocheted. So far there were only doilies, granny squares, a big tablecloth I made my mother when I was a teenager and some edgings. But those shiny tops by Caroll usually catch my eye and I have always told myself 'I am able to do that'. And that's what I have done. I found the thread by chance, I wasn't looking for it. I had it in my mind for a while and finally went back to choose a color and bought it. It is Stop Fenicia 100% viscose. Not very easy to crochet as it splits a bit, but it is OK. It has taken nearly a whole MONTH working a few hours on most days. Many hours have been devoted to it, many more than I expected. 'If I had knit it', I have kept thinking to myself, 'I would have finished it in no more than two weeks'. I draw the pattern on paper from an undershirt and then tried to follow it. The top has many mistakes but, all in all, I didn't rip that much. I am happy with the result but I don't know whether I would embark myself in another such a time cosuming little crochet project. Finishing it has been a relief. Definitely, my next thing will be knit. It's so much more productive, at least for me!

SP Acabado. Me ha llevado siglos, mucho más de lo que había previsto. Es la primera prenda de vestir que hago a ganchillo. Hasta la fecha había centros, cuadraditos, un gran mantel que le hice a mi madre cuando era adolescente y alguna puntilla. Pero esos tops brillantes de Caroll siempre me llaman la atención y, cuando los veo, me digo a mi misma 'Eso lo sé hacer yo'. Dicho y hecho. Encontré el hilo por casualidad, sin buscarlo. Lo tuve algún tiempo en mente, y, finalmente, volví a la tienda a elegir color (todos son preciosos) y a comprarlo. Se llama Stop Fenicia 100% viscosa. No es excesivamente fácil de tejer porque se abre y se engancha un poco, pero tampoco es un suplicio. Me ha costado cerca de un mes trabajando varias horas casi todos los días. Si, se me ha llevado más horas de lo que esperaba. 'Si fuera de punto", me decía a veces, 'lo habría a cabado en un par de semanas máximo'. Copié la forma de una camiseta interior sobre un papel e intenté seguirla. El top tiene bastantes errores pero, en conjunto, no tuve que deshacer mucho. Me gusta el resultado, pero no sé si me volveré a embarcar en otra labor de ganchillo tan entretenida. Acabarla ha sido un alivio. Definitivamente, lo próximo será de punto. ¡En mis manos es mucho más productivo!


Anonymous said...

You did a terrific job. Are you going to provide the pattern?

Crochet Connie and Snowball said...

Fabulous! It looks so professional - if you hadn't posted that this is the first garment you've made, I would never have guessed. Wear it in good health!