02 November 2006

Icarus KAL

tatted edging Well, I finally started knitting Icarus on Monday and, at the moment, I am on the 2nd rep of chart 1, which I plan to finish tomorrow. As the rows quickly get considerably long, plans are to finish rep 3 this week.

I have signed up for the Icarus KAL and posted a picture of my Icarus' still-short wings. This is my first shawl and the first time I feel knitting is something more social --should I say 'global'?-- than private and I love it.

In the meantime, two other projects will have to wait unfinished. One is a tatted edging for a small tablecloth (see pic above); the other, a table runner in 'punto Assisi' (a combination of cross and back stitches), whose materials and pattern I bought from Mani di fata

I have also decided to keep track of my Icarus progress on a sheet done for this purpose where I mark the reps I have finished. If anyone is interested, you can download the pdf file here.

1 comment:

knitalittle said...

Your tatting is beautiful. I can do most crafts but tatting is a mystery to me. Have fun with the Icarus. It is beautiful when it is done. :)